In accordance with Annex 18 of Government Resolution N 353 from 12th March, 2022 and N 1522 from 31th August, 2022 certificate of conformity (CoC) can be replaced with declaration of conformity (DoC). I will explain replacement condition below, but first I want to remind some main information:
- If the scheduled periodic assessment (inspection control) period for the certificate of conformity has come in 2022, it can be additionally postponed up to 6 months by the decision of the certification body which issued this certificate;
- Validity of all CoC and DoC, which expired in the period from 12th March to 1th September 2022 was automatically extended for 12 months (you can check this on FSA website);
- GLN and GNSS not required for DoC and CoC registered until 1th March 2023;
CoC with DoC replacement conditions
Replacement conditions is only for products imported in Russia (not EAEU):
- Certificate can be replaced with Declaration until 1th September 2023 only for bunch or unit of production (not applicable for serial production 1d);
- Products with replaced DoC can be shipped to Russia without marking until 1th March 2023, but same time it should be marked by retailer with CTP mark (not EAC) before sales;
- Sample can be taken from imported bunch or unit of production for future CoC registration (can be used for local sample testing, not required to import additional sample);
- Validity for replaced DoC can not exceed 6 months;
- Products with replaced DoC can’t be marked with EAC
Required documents for DoC replacement
They are very similar with 1d scheme, but have some difference, for more information please contact us